The most patriotic event in the country!
The Stadium of Fire event is held each year in Provo, Utah. It is part of nearly a week-long celebration of our Independence Day (4th of July).
Provo, Utah is one of the most patriotic places I have ever lived. The festivities abound during the first week of July every year, starting off with the big Grand Parade.
This year’s Stadium of Fire 2023 is set to take place in LaVell Edwards Stadium, Brigham Young University, located at 1700 N Canyon Rd, Provo, UT 84604.
I was blown away at my first Stadium of Fire event! If you have not been to a Stadium of Fire at the Lavell Edwards Stadium in Provo, Utah – you don’t know what you are missing!
The first time we went, we were treated with the F-35 jets flying right over the stadium! What an experience that was! The F-35s are from Utah’s Hills Airforce Base.
And who can ever forget the fireworks! The best fireworks display in the U.S.A. It is also the largest stadium fireworks show in the U.S.A.
The stadium has a seating capacity of 63,470.
Stadium of Fire is a sought-after event so expect Lavell Stadium to be full-packed and parking will be a little tougher than usual
Lavell Stadium has public non-reserved parking lots you can use. They are available in the green areas of the map below:
In 2021, we got to listen to Lee Greenwood play his best-selling songs, including his hit, “God Bless the U.S.A.”.
David Archuleta also made a great appearance!
My grandchildren were blown away by the Nitro Circus- a very well known motorcycle stunt team. They were amazing. The action is non-stop at the Stadium of Fire.
One thing that is important to understand before you go is this event is in the BYU (Brigham Young University) football stadium and the concessions are run by BYU students. This means there is NO alcohol sold at the concessions and no alcohol allowed to be brought in the stadium.
The event starts with a prayer. The mayor of Provo gives a speech. Tribute is offered to the veterans and active military service men and women. Awards are given out as well.
This year, 2023, Journey is coming back to play! Great music!
I mean, who doesn’t love singing along to “Don’t Stop Believin’” and “Open Arms”? The band first played at Stadium of Fire back in 2015, and they’re back to rock the stage once again.
Check out more about Journey in this article.
But that’s not all. The Stadium of Fire 2023 has so much more in store for you. Like last time, you’ll also witness a thrilling flyover by F-35 jets from Utah’s Hill Air Force Base. And following that, you’ll get to enjoy the biggest stadium fireworks in the country.
It’s guaranteed to be a visual feast for your eyes, and it’s going to be amazing!
Hurry to get your tickets from! They went on sale on March 24, 2023, and are already almost sold out. I just went to get my tickets. There are a lot of single seats left, but not a lot of seats together. This is the fastest I have ever seen the seats sold like this. The last time I went was in 2021, and I didn’t even buy my tickets until June! It is the middle of April, and I am struggling to find the seats I want.
Don’t worry if you can’t be physically present at the event. The Stadium of Fire concert will be televised to over 100 countries via the American Forces Network. So no matter where you are in the world, you can enjoy the concert and share in the patriotic celebrations.
After the Stadium of Fire Fireworks are over, take your time leaving the stadium! The traffic is super clogged… so waiting is best. You can stay for the dancing in the streets while you wait for traffic to die down.
Free street dance and music starts right after the fireworks. Minor Music DJ places music from all the different eras of time, so there is music for everyone to enjoy. It is on the west side of the stadium. Just follow the music!
We walk from my house to the Lavell Stadium because parking is tough. You can find private homes charging for parking. Take them up on it! But we figured for the last few times we have gone to Stadium of Fire, the walk from where we park to the stadium is no further than from my house to the stadium. People even park all along our neighborhood streets to get their free parking.
Don’t miss these articles and events of other venues during Stadium of Fire: